Happy New Year 2013!
Well we are already a few days in the New Year for 2013! I wanted to wish you all a happy and successful new year. As we all gear up for the new adventures and dust off last years ups, downs, sideways and everything in between, a bright shiny new year is ahead. I heard a statistic the other day that only 1 out of every 10,000 actually keep their resolution! That is astonishing isn’t it. I was quite taken aback when I heard that but then thought about it and I guess I’ve never really fully committed to a resolution either. I’m not quite sure I believe on the whole “resolution” word/idea. I’d prefer to set goals and work towards them, set more goals, review and reset and so on throughout the year, not just one time per year.
{Image Credit: Jenny Downing}
I do notice that the goals that I right down and keep front and centre where I can see them are the ones that stick most. So to start the new year off right I’m going to write down all my goals (there are so many) but also go a step further and apply a list of actions items for each goal and then a timeframe. I am the type of person who wants everything now so it will be a bit tough to be realistic but I’m old enough now to know the not everything happens overnight. My plan is also to make a dream board. I’ve done this in the past but it’s now tucked away in a closet… not really doing what it’s supposed to do hidden away. So my goal for January is to come up with the comprehensive list and the dream board for the visual aspect of the goals. I think that’s a good start. What about you, do you have any goals, dreams, resolutions? Wishing you the very best for 2013.
Source: roseandvirginia.wordpress.com via Kalin on Pinterest
{Image Credit: Sparkler Image via Pinterest}